A Guide to Asphalt Coating: When and Why Your Surface Needs It

What is asphalt coating?

Asphalt coating is a protective layer applied to your asphalt surface to shield it from the elements and prolong its lifespan. It acts as a barrier against water, oils, and UV rays that can cause damage to the asphalt. The coating helps to prevent cracks, potholes, and fading, keeping your surface looking fresh and well-maintained. Additionally, it enhances the appearance of the asphalt, giving it a smooth, sleek finish. Coating your asphalt at the right time can save you from costly repairs and ensure its durability in the long run.
asphalt coating application

Types of asphalt coating

There are two main types of asphalt coating:

  1. Sealcoating: This is a protective layer applied to asphalt surfaces to protect them from the damaging effects of water, sunlight, and chemicals. Sealcoating helps extend the lifespan of the asphalt and can also enhance its appearance.

  2. Slurry Seal: Slurry seal is a mixture of emulsified asphalt, fine aggregates, and additives that is applied to the surface of the asphalt. It provides a protective layer against environmental elements and also helps in restoring the frictional properties of the pavement.

    Benefits of asphalt coating

    Asphalt coating provides several benefits for your surface, including:

  • Protection: It acts as a protective layer, shielding your asphalt surface from harsh weather conditions, such as UV rays and water damage.

  • Durability: The coating helps to extend the lifespan of your asphalt surface by preventing cracks and deterioration.

  • Enhanced Appearance: It gives a fresh, sleek look to your surface, boosting its aesthetic appeal.

  • Cost-Effective Maintenance: Regular application of asphalt coating can reduce long-term maintenance costs by minimizing the need for repairs and replacements.

    Signs your surface needs asphalt coating

    It’s essential to keep an eye out for signs that your surface needs asphalt coating. Some key indicators include cracks in the asphalt, fading or discoloration, rough or uneven texture, and potholes. Cracks can worsen over time and lead to more extensive damage if not addressed promptly. Fading or discoloration can be a sign of sun damage and wear, which makes the surface more prone to deterioration. A rough or uneven texture can indicate degradation, and potholes are a clear sign of structural damage. Regularly inspecting your surface for these signs will help you determine when it’s time for asphalt coating.

    Choosing the right time for asphalt coating

    Typically, the best time to apply asphalt coating is during the summer months when the weather is warm and dry. This allows the coating to cure properly and ensures the best results. Coating your asphalt during the cooler months may lead to poor adhesion and a less effective seal, so it’s important to plan the application for the warmer season. Regularly inspecting your asphalt surface for signs of wear and tear can help you determine when it’s time to apply a new coating. If you notice cracks, fading, or other damage, it’s a good indicator that your surface could benefit from a fresh coating. Keep in mind that the right time for asphalt coating may vary depending on your climate and usage of the surface.

    Preparing for asphalt coating

    To prepare for asphalt coating, it’s important to ensure that the surface is clean and free of any debris or cracks. This will help the coating adhere properly and provide a smooth finish. Before applying the coating, inspect the surface for any structural issues that may need to be addressed, such as potholes or drainage problems. Additionally, it’s essential to check the weather forecast and choose a time for application when there is no rain in the forecast. This will ensure that the coating has sufficient time to dry and set properly.

    Applying asphalt coating

    Applying asphalt coating helps protect surfaces from damage caused by UV rays, water, and chemicals. It also enhances the aesthetics of the pavement. The best time to apply asphalt coating is during the summer when the weather is dry. The process involves cleaning the surface, repairing any damages, and then applying the coating evenly using a squeegee or spray equipment. It’s important to ensure the surface is completely dry before application to achieve the best results.

    Post-coating maintenance

    After applying asphalt coating, regular maintenance is essential to ensure its longevity and effectiveness. Some essential post-coating maintenance tasks include regular cleaning and sweeping to remove debris and prevent staining, sealing any cracks or potholes to prevent further damage, and reapplication of sealant as needed to maintain the protective layer. It is also important to conduct regular inspections to identify any signs of wear and tear and address them promptly. Following a consistent maintenance routine will help preserve the quality and durability of the asphalt coating on your surface.

    Long-term benefits of asphalt coating

    When you apply asphalt coating to a surface, you’ll notice that it helps to protect it from the elements. This means it can prevent damage from things like water, sunlight, and heavy traffic, which can extend the surface’s lifespan. Additionally, asphalt coating can also improve the appearance of the surface, making it look more attractive and well-maintained. In the long run, this can save you money on repairs and replacements, as well as enhance the overall value of your property.


    Asphalt coating helps protect your surface from damage caused by sunlight, water, and traffic. It also enhances the appearance of your pavement, improves skid resistance, and makes it easier to clean. Regularly applying asphalt coating can extend the lifespan of your pavement and reduce the frequency of repairs. Consider applying asphalt coating every 3-5 years, depending on the condition of your surface and the level of traffic it receives.